Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Making Rupp Proud!

So I am watching the Kentucky vs Flordia game and I noticed something unusual about Kentucky's court. There is only one 3 point line on the court! This is significant because I haven't seen any college courts with only one line. The guys moved theirs back a foot this year but the girls line stayed at the same place, hence the confusion Hummel always has shooting 3's (people from valpo can't figure out those pesky 2 lines).

This made me wonder....where do the UK women play. Better yet who cares. I am extremely sick of women's basketball which has been given an abnormal amount of TV time because of Pat Summit and her 1,000 win. Who cares! I believe Sharpe wrote a blog about this a long time ago, so I won't get into it. But I can't help but think that the women play in a tiny building off campus; just the way Adolf Rupp would have wanted it.

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