Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Year in Review - TV

So, since I watch alot of television, I figured it'd be my duty to provide you with my thoughts concerning the current seasons of television shows that I watch.


24 - I actually haven't really been watching 24 that much. I know that seems blasphemous, but I think it may just be a better show to watch on DVD. But, anything that can get unite large sweaty men(sans Pat and I, we are neither large, nor "men", nor sweaty in pat's case) into a small cramped room over an entire weekend day deserves it's own praise.

Heroes - I'm actually quite addicted to Heroes at the moment. It definitely grew on me after I watched the first 12 episodes consecutively one evening over Christmas break. Although, I am having trouble relating to the fact that EVERYONE on the show wishes to keep his power a secret. I'd be showing that shit off to everybody. And now that Ari's old boss is the "big bad...bad guy" I am a little more excited. He still wouldn't scare me into not flying around if I could though.

If you are watching "comedies" on CBS while these shows air...we cannot be friends...ever...I mean it.


House - Kind of a weak day of the week for TV shows. House has been OK this year, the whole storyline about the cop trying to bust House for being a drug user because House anally probed him was kind of annoying. Hopefully they'll get somewhere good with this show, it's kind of meandering.


Friday Night Lights - I've been enjoying this one, but only as a show that I like, but do not HAVE to watch. It has its moments, but it hasn't reached the status where I don't mind missing a week as long as I read the recap. I actually wish it was more about football. Still better than the movie.

Lost - Lost is less than 10 episodes into the season, so it's hard to judge here. I know alot of people are bitching because they don't answer all of our questions, but...come on, if you enjoy watching the show, then you should realize they can't answer the questions and keep the show going. People who like a show but want it to end are lame...I don't abide by that. As long as it's entertaining, prolong it all you want I say. There's too much crap on TV for me to wish the shows I enjoy would end.


The Office - Pretty bad ass this year. To be honest, I'm glad Jim and Pam aren't together, I think it would completely ruin the show. The upcoming episodes sound pretty sweet, including one where Michael is wearing a woman's suit unknowingly. Andy's coming back too.

Scrubs - Incredibly disappointing this season. Don't know what else to say.

Friday -

Psych - This would be my second favorite new show. The mysteries usually are sucky, but I enjoy the characters. You can see that my steam is already running out for this entry, and I've only been typing for 8 minutes.

PS: If you're a sci-fi nerd(pat) I suggest downloading the first(and only) season of Firefly. It's pretty good. Whores and spaceships and cowboys.

And, speaking of whores, I will leave you with this exchange from the greatest television show ever made,
Gob: Well, gee, I didn't think the woman I'd be checking out at spring break would be mom.
Buster: She's better looking than the whores you date!
Gob: Don't call my escorts whores.
Buster: Mom's still got it!
Gob: I don't date whores!
Lindsay: Stop it! Stop it! This objectification of women has to stop!
Michael: It's just mom and whores.


the sharpe said...

You forgot Battlestar Galatica...screw you guys for laughing.

On a side note...if you were playing madden on hall of fame mode and your QB could be strong or jump higher which would you choose?

BAC said...

Actually, after watching Firefly, I think I will give Battlestar Galactica a try, I need more spaceships in my life.

That's a tough choice. I think Jumping, because you never know when you might need to jump throw, but most importantly you want your QB to be good at hurdling over prone players.

BAC said...

This just made my day, The hit counter now tells us how people got to our site, and someone from the Philipines got here when they were searching, "ryan o.c."

Eventually we can compile how our foreign visitors get here!

Anonymous said...

Side Note - Versus is on 24/7 in my apt because Alex likes to watch people shooting things.

Thanks for the invite but the Law and I can't figure out how to post even though we have accounts. Maybe this is locked?

the sharpe said...

I'm trying at psych at the moment and I will give an update after a few episodes.

staplegun said...

(ha ha) You forgot Gilmore Girls

Anonymous said...

Watch out Rinkles...I am currently in love with the Gilmore Girls.
Go ahead...laugh.

staplegun said...

To be all honest I do watch Gilmore girls with my wife. On a side note if no friday plans are going on I try to watch Ghost Whisperer, anything with Jennifer Love Hewitt is good. There is always a scene with her boobs ready to explode.

the sharpe said...

You win for Psych. I'm diggin' it.

the sharpe said...

E can watch Gilmore Girls but Beno is unable to enjoy the commedies on CBS? Unbelievable. On a side note, does CBS actually have comedies? I thought they only showed Survivor and Big Brother 24/7.

BAC said...

What can I say, I clearly have a thing for self-centered tv characters.

the sharpe said...

You just have a thing for DUDES!!! Total zing. I am such an internet bad ass. We should change my tag to the internet bad ass.

BAC said...

Not if I kiss you first...does that even apply here?