Wednesday, March 7, 2007

A Few Ground Rules...

Alright, you can see that we have some new additions to this magical piece of literature. Let me start by laying a few ground rules.

Please refrain from discussing or engaging in any sort of inter-blog $*#ing, or #$@ing, or finger-#%*#ing, or #*%ing, or $#*ing, or even *#&$, even though so many people at this blog are begging for it. And if anybody does anything with my quote box, I'll take off my pants, I'll shave my #%#, and I'll personally *&^%*(^(*&^&%$%.

Under my tutelage, you might all be able to become successful executives...working for this guy.

OK, Finally, Don't ever take up all the urinals when I'm trying to use the restroom.


the sharpe said...

I really like your You are even better at box placement than Lee Harvey Oswald. Too soon?

BAC said...

I don't care for your history jokes, and I will not respond to them...