Thursday, August 30, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
My perfect relationship is in the opening banter...
That just makes absolutely not sense as a title. I have related everything necessary in regards to this post in the can stop reading and just check out the the title.
Performed by
the sharpe
12:43 AM
1 Lame Additions
Monday, August 27, 2007
Hey! I watch that show!
Maybe will advertising like this one of the shows we all think is funny won't get cancelled. Probably not though.
Performed by
the sharpe
5:33 PM
Lame Additions
She is smoking hot though...
I know this video is everywhere but I really want to read some comments for you kids.
Better question for her...can you locate the US on a map?
Performed by
the sharpe
12:31 PM
Lame Additions
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Rubbing elbows.....

Performed by
The Griz
3:44 PM
Lame Additions
Labels: Fuck the Colts, Me being an awesome mother fucker, Presidential Badass
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Do... or do not...there is no try.
Performed by
Chadding Hard
9:47 PM
Lame Additions
Labels: and saberier than yours, greener, My lightsaber is bigger
Thursday, August 23, 2007
So true, so true
Live From Congress: The Skull Fucking Bill Of 2007
Two posts it one day! Huzzah!
Performed by
the sharpe
5:20 PM
Lame Additions
Sucks to be you...

Your mom...
Add this to the fact his dad has only won 3 superbowls and didn't even make it to the superbowl last year. Loser. Rex Grossman made it to the SB last year, your dad obviously sucks. Does your dad even make as much money as his girlfriend? NO?!? How manly.
Hope you don't only get the attributes of your parents because I'm pretty sure the world doesn't need anymore attractive, dominate qbs who can act. Nope, McMahon (I wish this were spelled McMan because it would be not only a silly last name but also the gayest item on McDonalds menu) has that role on lock down. Did you see the Superbowl shuffle? Brilliant.
All kidding aside I thought about this parent set up in regards to creating your custom superstar on Madden. Who could pass up 1.) your father is Tom Brady, who broke up with your actress mother, while she was pregnant, to nail the world's most famous supermodel and 2.) your mother is Bridget Moynahan, who was super hot in The Recruit. This is an unstoppable Madden character. You would have the uncanny ability to narrowly win SBs but also CIA training from movie land. Amazing.

Performed by
the sharpe
12:39 PM
Lame Additions
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
This the LS
My books for school are super expensive but they make my bookshelf look like the world's smallest law library.
I feel super young because I'm not married nor did I wait to go to law school and do something lame like get a real job. To make matter worse married people who have kids and quit there job to study law seem to always ask me where on campus I live...I get to answer back, "in the dorm across the street." I would feel like a dork but I have 80 channels and 5 are HBOs...wait...that is still really dorky. (eat me because HBO2 plays Rome all the time at night)
I have/get to use a keypad, which randomizes the numbers on the screen, if I want to go to the law school after hours. Waste of time or an awesome excuse to push buttons? Follow up info: I get to do it once more if I want to go to the library. Score!
I'm getting a bunch of reading and briefing done so I can go out on Friday and drop the line, "Do you want to go back to my dorm room?" on a girl, as a grad student.
I have a locker.
I feel a strong pull to join the Federalists student group. I have no idea why.
My RA (pause for laughter) mentioned how cool my Wii was. I giggled but had to stop when I thought she looked like the girl who hits Charlie during the ASiP where the Gang Goes Racist.
Feel free to post how bad you feel now that you know for sure I'm much cooler than you.
Performed by
the sharpe
8:28 PM
Lame Additions
Leo Sayer - You Make Me Feel Like Dancing
possibly the greatest artist of all time
Performed by
The Griz
3:15 PM
Lame Additions
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Run like Kenyans
Could you use gratuitous amounts of energy? Try this...
Performed by
Leveraged Sellout
3:11 PM
Lame Additions
Labels: power spawning babies
Friday, August 10, 2007
invisible movie quiz/last day
Last day of work and I couldn't be more excited. After 4 internships its kinda sad I dont get to not give a fuck anymore. I will miss the special treatment, short hours, and little responsibility. Not to mention free lunches and drinks for the "intern" after work. Well I think I milked this one long enough. Back to school for 5 months. Peace out FINRA.
I should have posted this earlier in the summer but...blow me
This was a plague on my office's productivity for a while. I scored a 48 which I think butts right up with movie tool status. Anyway, try it out and post your scores.
There are like 300 or something at this site if you want more. But do the one above for my sake.
Performed by
Leveraged Sellout
12:41 PM
Lame Additions
Labels: movie tool
Thursday, August 9, 2007
My Name's Ryan P and I'm Back From The Dead
Chillin at the beach, down at club med.
Holy good god I finally got some time to get back on this blog and write stuff no one cares about but makes me feel like I have friends... even if they are all just porn ads from girls like Keyla and Krystal on MySpace.
Terre Haute is quite awesome, and by quite awesome I mean awesome in a way that Battlefield Earth was awesome. I'm surrounded by hilljacks, Mathletes (they have a math camp during training camp at Rose-Hulman), and dudes that are a lot bigger and make more money from their signing bonus than I will in my lifetime. But the good news??? I get to see them NAKED!
Yeah, thats right... I've seen a lot of million dollar dorks so far. I somehow got the distinct priveledge of being the weigh in guy. So every morning I wake up early, get dressed in my cute colts gear, grab the computer and hang out in the locker room. It kind of makes me feel like the asian dude in that "You wouldn't make it in the NFL" commercial.
Another exciting duty of mine is I transport the players to and fro practice. Anthony McFarland has become a good friend of mine and tends to choose my cart. I think it is because I feed him cookies and milk on the way down. He likes to say, "whats crackin homey?" I still don't know what these silly football players mean with their hip hop lingo, but i smile and nod. Too bad he went down and is probably out for the season...
I have also gotten very good at driving back and forth from Terrible Haute to Indy. When a player gets hurt they have me and another dude drive them down to get MRI's and whatnot from this place in Indy. Oh the coversations! They are... well... not that exciting. Most players have more technology on their belts than Batman and NASA with their two cell phones, a sidekick, and iPod that they spend most of the time doing whatever they can to pass time.
Regardless of how I write this, I am actually having a blast and am going to be sad when it is over. I know you guys worry about me but don't worry, I'm eating good, saying please and thank you, and am always remembering to flush. I have a lot of little stories but they really aren't blog material because they are only funny in the way that my dad chuckles at cats falling off TV sets on Funniest Animal Videos.
When I'm not dead tired and have something interesting to write I will post again. One love.
Make that two and kiss my grits... noooooooch.
Diesel Out.
Performed by
11:57 PM
Lame Additions
My Advice
Yesterday on my way home from work I learned a valuable lesson. Do not…I repeat DO NOT have your iPod on shuffle while you are blasting music with the windows down. Why you may ask, well I have a very good reason for you. So maybe you are jamming out to Fall Out Boy and the song ends. Well lets say Fall Out Boy is followed by a 36 mafia song; that just so happens to drop the n-word a few times. No big deal right? Wrong* because as you are stopped at a light you happen to look over and see that the car next to you is rolling on 22’s and not appreciating a white boy blasting music that drops the n-word.
what they were rolling
At this point do not flick them off and try to speed away because you can’t out run them (Pat the cambergini is not built for me).
*Maybe acceptable if you are in a predominately white area, but in Gary it's a no-no.
P.S. My last day of work is friday, so you guys (Clay) won't have to read any more work related posts. I know you are excited.
Performed by
8:27 AM
Lame Additions
Labels: Escalade, Fall Out Boy, iPods
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Polls are Closed (not really)
Well, the results are in.
After a whopping ten votes, minus the three joke votes, the consensus(plurality) is that all we really want is more Diesel. Stupid Colts making our blog all sucky.
If there is anything else you think we should change, feel free to keep voting.
Performed by
5:53 PM
Lame Additions
Labels: no that's not a derogatory word for polish people, Polls
Thursday, August 2, 2007
The an Offense?

* Reportedly there has also been a white male in his early twenties stalking Orton, and wanting to touch him non-sexually…could it be Fandle?
** Do you think they will rename the city of New Orleans, now that it has been rebuilt? I hope they go with the laundry detergent style name….New Ultimate Orleans….now whiter then ever!
Performed by
8:24 PM
Lame Additions
Labels: Bears, crying after the bears lost the superbowl, New Year, nonsexual, Sex Cannon