Let's get this straight, there is also a chance he just found a shit ton of pain killers and was just super messed up when he told his coach.
Betting on him only having found onlt a small amount of pain killers, Favre is now retired. What? No crying like a little bitch after a Bears game to send you off? Not waiting until June to say you won't be back? No broken hip keeping you from playing? Lame.
All painful memories aside, I actually really enjoyed Favre. He has some of the best throws I have ever seen, many against the Bears, and it is hard to argue how impressive he has been over the years. The real point though of this post though is how impressive is Favre's career in terms of other all-time greats? ESPN has/had a poll up about where you would place Favre all-time and I was just wondering what the rest of the kids on the blog thought.
I know people claim guys like Unitas, Tarkington, and Starr but the most I've seen of these players are the random NFL films replays so I don't really feel comfortable throwing them up there. I guess as far as my picks go...
Montana is an absolute stud who just didn't lose and was slow/white but still the best. This means he has conquered the shackles of being me.
-cut: all he had to do was beat other white QBs
Elway was able to take hold of games like I've never seen anyone else accomplish. The two SBs he won were some of my all time favorite games and I hate the Broncos. Yes, Terrell Davis was a rock for those teams but Elway's SB helicopter is one of the best football highlights. He also said the Colts sucked too bad for him to play for them. Clutch.
-cut: earlier on he was also equally able to suck in games
Young should probably be the best of all time but his early years were stolen by some random, incumbent starter.
Marino is the best passing QB of all time.
cut: We have the same amount of rings @ one. His is a wedding ring and mine is on my cock. Mine is like 1000% bigger though.
Brady...Colts fans can bitch all they want but rings and records are too hard to pass by. Manning has had some killer teams who didn't do anything in the Playoffs while Brady has taken some good teams to Super Bowl wins.
cut: too sexy?
Favre at his best was the most amazing QB of all time. The problem, he is atrocious when not at his best. How can you put him up further will all those picks? The only reason I feel bad putting him down so low is his consecutive games streak, which is incredible.
So yeah, sorry the post is long but I'm in my legal writing class and my teacher is fighting with another student over the merits of a summary judgment finding...this makes me want to kill myself. Hopefully all this makes sense because at times I was actually just bashing my face into the keys.