Where can I find a car with a back seat big enough for an abortion?
This has the best lines I have ever heard.
I didn't think it was even appropriate to have "funny" in the title.
This has the best lines I have ever heard.
Performed by
the sharpe
11:26 AM
Labels: funniest skit ever
Wait why does he have a prius on top of his Hummer?....lol.
so he can perform abortions when his dick barfs in a chick
I could kiss you on the*# for this video.
Some GOB trivia I just learned. He used to be married to Marissa Miller's sister, and this is his quote about the AD pilot, "This pilot ["Arrested Development" (2003)] by far was the best I ever read -- and I hope that insults every other pilot I worked on."
"I could kiss you on the*# for this video."
Let's hope it doesn't come to that.
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