Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Selig is the hardest name ever to pronounce.

This hearing is taking up my huge break today and I couldn't be more disappointed. How do you have Commissioner Selig at your hearing and not say his name correctly? I know they have people who do this kind of research for them and this isn't even his first time at a hearing with this committee. The head of the committee even said his name correctly at the beginning. If I was some shit Rep from California I would at least learn to pronounce last names as this is the only time anyone will ever care about my job. They are going to be fuck when Commissioner :ALKJDF:LKJ of men's field hockey comes on to discuss the fact that field hockey is promoting a culture of lame sports.

Continuing on with my bitching, are these the actual questions they want to know about? These questions are retarded. "Do you support the code of silence amongst players?" Really? That is your best question? I thought at first that he was just setting that question up to kill Selig on follow up but, nope, he just wanted to know if Selig went momentarily retarded.

Also, what is the deal with all the people sitting in between the Reps and Selig? Did all the speakers get to bring their kids? Would one camera really not be enough? How many channels are covering this bullshit? Fuck? Not only do you have to deal with retards in front of the Reps but then the cameras continually pick up the people behind Selig doing either sporting corny smiles ever or picking their nose. Selig at one point had his finger in his nose for around 2 minutes. No joke.

I'm actually a little upset about this but I'm most upset that this wasn't taking place in the British Parliament. How great would it be to make Clemens come on and say he didn't do steroids only to hear a few people yell out "bullshit!"?

PS-Did anyone see the guy mention how his son played baseball and how he was trying to get in shape only for the camera to show a visibly pissed Selig? I don't blame you Bud. I don't give a fuck either.

PSS-My new goal in life is to be the person during a Congressional hearing who gets to hand one of the speakers a note. My note would actually just be a picture of my penis.

PMS-Petty Monster Syndrome! Am I right? BURN!


Anonymous said...

But it was actually Michael who was intimidated..."Can you leave the light on, I want to see if you have a monster?"

BAC said...

finally we can post comments under other names

Anonymous said...

berry bonds didnt do staroyds

Anonymous said...

PMS more likely stands for THIS BLOG SUCKS!

the sharpe said...

Side note: three cheers to BAC for ripping off a fallout boy song for the banner at the top. Do you think he is dating the ugly Simpson now? I smell a poll (editors note: pole, keke) question!