Making Bad CHOICES
So I am sure everyone heard about our awesome party during BGR (we didn't know the rules applied to us). Well on Monday we as a house had to attend an alcohol awareness class as part of our punishment to get off probation*. It was educational and I am sure you can guess what many of us 21 year olds did after the presentation. That is correct we went to Stacks. Anyways I did learn that if you BAC goes over .31 you should be in a comma, so Pat add that to the list of you achievments.

Here are some pictures of why we shouldn't drink this much. Oh well your only in college once**.
*We are still on Athletic Probation due to a soccer mêlée with Delta Chi in the playoffs (we won the fight, lost the game).
** Well Clay and Pat got to go to College twice, and Klein he is just trying to pull a Van Wilder.
I was stuck in a comma once, but then I just closed WORD.
Maybe we should also be attending our actual classes?
Thanks for not blocking out the faces Beno.
Actor: Como?
GOB: You're gonna be in a coma!
You will have to tell me how bad the old guys make fun of you during the Grand Pricks alumni rape meeting now that you fail at athletics. What probation are we not on at the moment?
I couldn't block the faces out or else that picture of you at Clybornes wouldnt be funny. Anyways in the last year I believe we have been on:
1). Social Probation
2). Nationals Probation
3). Academic Probation
4). Athletic Probation
Not all at once though, I think when we get off one they like to put us on another.
Van Wilder was a lovable character, and everyone loved him, just like everyone loves me......but anyway, I resent that comment!
Well since you didnt attend the meeting the cheap shot stands....but you may be right about Van Wilder being too popular to compare to you.
Bunch of crooked cops in your racket
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