Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Just In Case You Were Wondering

Since many of my fellow bloggers are either in lawyer school or “the real world” I feel obligated to update you on what life as an undergrad is like. Well after getting my homework for the week done; I am in prime position to go out and enjoy the amazing Purdue bar scene. I guess I will head out to Jakes tonight around 9 and probably stay until around 2. I plan on blacking out in an attempt to get a hot* formal dinner date, I think my odds are good because it is sorority bid night so all the seniors will be out.

After a heavy night of drinking I will attend my 2 classes tomorrow afternoon, and then get ready for my football scrimmage**. After the game it is buddy function time. Buddy Function should be interesting for 2 reasons:
1). I definitely don’t know my buddy.
2). My sister is now a Pi Phi so she will be here.
Of course these reasons will not stop me from getting drunk and embarrassing myself before I head to Stacks.

Friday I will attempt to make my 8:30 before I head over to the elementary school to hang out with my little brother*** (I am pumped for recess). After that I will be drinking while helping Daily set up for formal dinner. We will definitely be playing power hour during the dinner, I may not even eat so I have more room for Franzia.

Saturday is breakfast club and tailgating with my family (they are upset the Sharpe’s won’t be next to them this year). After the game we will go to stacks and enjoy a great dinner of party fries and Green Dragons, with Rumpies for dessert.

Sunday will be back to my homework and getting it done by Wednesday so I can repeat the same cycle next weekend.

*Of course when I am so drunk I can’t stand my judgment is usually not so good (at least the Tri-Pi’s won’t be out).
** “If we lose I am dissociating”, Chad before he lost to a team with girls on it.
*** My little brother is white...because I requested a white kid.


Chadding Hard said...

more substance

The Griz said...

I requested Beno's sister as my buddy.......I can't wait!

BAC said...

I just assumed that once we left you guys just stopped having fun and started wallowing in your own filth while watching Charmed...and I'm going to stick with that assumption.

Chadding Hard said...

I figured Buffy was their show of choice

a beno + a klein = the opportunities are endless...

Teno17 said...

Klein didn't even get a buddy since he never parties.

The Griz said...

first of all, charmed and buffy are two great shows, second of all, I dont party because im taking 22 hours im treasurer for MCA

The Griz said...

at least im not racist and request white children

Chadding Hard said...

i never laugh at thing's klein says...but that was funny

the sharpe said...

Charmed is the new The Craft. Word.