Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Hello Again

You know, I should really try and write on this thing more. I like to think that I am really busy, but actually, I'm not. I'm the exact opposite of busy. In fact, you might say that I am the antithesis of busy. That last word was for the lawyers, Klein, you'll most likely have to look that one up.

Well, my tenure with the Colts is over. I handed in my playbook and took my nameplate from above my locker. This was all a shock to the team who hadn't realized that I had put my name over Corey Simon's nameplate with white tape and a sharpie. SUCKA...

So now I have been unemployed for about a week or so. It's pretty sweet, except like the part where I don't even get intern wages anymore and I get extremely bored. But don't worry, I have America's Game with the Colts on DVR. I almost teared up.

Lets talk about the world of sports eh? I know thats what everyone wants to know my opinion on. Michigan? Wow. Notre Dame? Wow. Can't wait for next weeks game. You can guarantee all you want about that game, all it proves is that you both still suck. Thats like pitting a deaf person and someone with a lateral lisp in a debate. At the end they still are both going to be handicapped.

That tennis dude won again. Hooray, I can't think of anything more exciting. Wait, yeah, I can. I think when I watched my cat jump from the floor up to the sink... yeah, yeah, that was definitely more exciting. Oh he's friends with Tiger? Coooool. Cool cool. Yeah, he's still not interesting.

Colts v. Saints - You guys know my take. Good game. Nice to see the defense remembered to play this season.

Bears @ Chargers - I honestly thought Rivers was going to take off his helmet and bash that ref in the head after that goalline fumble call. That was my highlight of the game.

Ravens @ Bengals - I was kind of letdown by Ocho Cinco's performance. I thought he was going to light the place on fire or something. Like literally light it on fire and dance around the inside laughing hysterically. That would have been entertaining.

Well, those were my rememberances, I would put something about MNF part two but it was just so bad that I might break something recalling it all.

Good news to everyone that cares... I'm coming to Bloomington this weekend. BAC, you better be there dude. It's Kent's bday so that means... well, it just means that we are going to drink in a different place (for me) than usual this week and probably sing a really drunk Happy Birthday to the annoyance of the bar crowd that night.

Well, I'm off to uhhh.... well nothing important. I'm probably going to watch TV, apply to some jobs, then watch a movie. Maybe I will go to the beach this week. Who wants to go? B, I know you're down. Law school will understand. Maybe Chad's mini donkey can give us a ride out there.

Till next time,

Diesel, Out!


BAC said...

Sadly I will be in the other state supported institute of higher learning this weekend. Unless you want to come up Thursday, I will be there Thursday night, bored off my gourd. Capital Thursday because the red lines say so.

And I do have a beach...nearby...in the vicinity of my residence...couple of miles really...obviously a lake beach...so whatever those are called...sand pits i guess...so I am close to a sand depository that is adjacent to a largish body of water...oh and there's a pool...of water...to which i have a key...that works...to open the door...to my heart

The Griz said...

uh, what? On another note Purdue is really going down hill, cause they let me teach a class today......Bonus!

Teno17 said...

BAC I hope you can make it for the tab. I will have rumpies in hand awaiting.

P.S. I think you got a Pi Phi football buddy.

BAC said...

I will do my best, what time does it start?

Anonymous said...