Friday, July 6, 2007

Scaredy Pat

So I'm pretty freaked out about the idea of someone buying Michael Vick's old house. I once read this story on CNN or something about how this cemetary for pets was on an indian barial and all the pets started to come back to life and kill people! Shit! I'm curious to find out whether or not Michael Vick's "pet cemetary" house was on an indian grave site but we all now how well some animals with curiosity end up. I instead am going to put out on open call to all young children who have recently buried their dog to go down to wherever Vick's pet death zone is and promptly stop the threat.

ps-fuck indians. You never did anything all that great (except for drink, die, and rob your own people of nearly as much as the government, and be much sexier than pat) and I refuse to capitalize.
pss-sorry in advance to Klein because he has to have some indian blood in him due to his love of knives and fire water

1 comment:

BAC said...

I fixed it so it's historically and presently accurate.