Saturday, July 7, 2007

HA! My Kind of Day...

For anyone who is too lame to get the title quote -- it is from, what i argue to be, possibly one of the greatest Batman films of all time, Batman Forever. Why you ask? Mostly because Tim Burton sucks and this was the best film from that era of Batman... the new era is looking to be promisingly better... however, this is not why I'm writing this post. Oh no, today was a good day in the life of Ryan W. Poppe.... I gotta stop giving out my info. Soon beautiful babies from all over will be stalking me and to be honest........ thats awesome. I also love elipses.

Anyways, tonights blog shall be about why today was so great for me.

I woke up today at the crack of noon. (I love being an intern... they expect so little of you). Next I decided that I would go downstairs and catch up on the exciting world of sports but got sidetracked when I watched the video of Stu Scott being made fun of by Chad Johnson. What a great video.

Then I basically sat around until my roommates (i.e. my parents) got home and my dad thought we should all have a cocktail on the back porch before my sister and her boyfriend got home. I thought this was a great idea too because I love alcohol... in fact, I know everything there is to know about alcohol. Especially things like.. it makes me laugh, play mid 90's tunes on my guitar (read my last post) and fall over to the likes of my friends. So we have a couple of drinks and I am feeling toasty. We go to Bella Vita in Indy which is Italian for something like "45 year old women who have boob jobs and tan too much like to go here to eat dinner and try and cheat on their husbands." Did I type that out loud??? Anyways, we have a couple of martinis... and if I have learned anything it is that martinis are like tits... One is not enough and three is too many.

So I have three.

Needless to say I am drunk and enjoying dinner too much when we decide to go back to the house and have some more drinks and a cigar.

My dad decided today however that he was going to live the "High Life" and he bought a case of Miller High Life. I'm not sure if it was the Champagne of Beers line that got him or if it was the funny fat black dude, but I have no explanation for why my dad decided that High Life would be good. So I choke down and couple of High Lifes, have a cigar that I'm pretty sure may have started puberty for me and then I go to meet my friends at the Beer Sellar.

The Beer Sellar is great. I love the Beer Sellar. What a great name. We order drinks, the waitress is cute, and I even think she likes me... but then again she probably just got off work from Hooters next door and is used to whoring herself out for tips.

So we continue drinking and the guy who was playing guitar was mentally mind fucking me because he was like a jukebox in my head. He kept playing every song I wanted to hear but he would only play about 47 seconds of a song before he switched to a new song. When he mixed Comfortably Numb with Breakfast at Tiffany's I knew he was it... He just secured his spot at number 20 on the if I were gay list. Congratulations bar guitar singer guy... you are number 20.

For some reason... and I think it was the fact that I was asking people if it would be ok for me to smash my glass over this weirdos head because he looked funny... it was decided that we would go home. I got to listen to Creeping Death by Metallica on the way home which is enough to make me want to kick a baby in the head... politically correct??? no. True??? Yes. (and for a great bit on pregame music which features this song visit Kissing Suzy Kolber).

Needless to say I am really drunk right now and super pumped but I thought I would share it all with you. So... with that said, much love, I'm going to bed, and I will see you all in the morning. Peace! Cheers! and Prost!

Diesel OUT!

1 comment:

BAC said...

the fact that you included a video in your drunk post makes you a hero in my book.