Email Down!
Our email at work is down for the day, so Klein and I are moving our (pointless) conversations to the blog for the day. Hope no one has any objections.
I didn't think it was even appropriate to have "funny" in the title.
Our email at work is down for the day, so Klein and I are moving our (pointless) conversations to the blog for the day. Hope no one has any objections.
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8:46 AM
Labels: Chadding Hard, work
What time are we going to Purdue friday?
I like the title, and how you labeled chadding hard.
we can leave right from work, get the shit done and go out drinking
Whats the record for smart ass remarks in a day? I think we can crush the old Cal Ripken Jr. on Gehrig's consecutive game record.
Nice analogy, i dotn know, but suprisingly today i actually have work to do. any other day i would gladly rumage through all the other posts and find out though
Yea I have some work too, always nice when that happens.
well terry just went to some hazop out by you, and its supposed to take all day. the work he gave me wont last
I love meetings, because they usually involve some sort of fight/argument. Today's meeting was no exception, lots of bickering about nothing.
you should have been at my meeting on monday for the interim coker feed. people were actually yelling at each was hilarious, especially terry cause he was yelling more than anyone.
I bet terry dropped a lot of F-bombs.
I really love meetings that Terry does not go to. The meeting just seems to flow a lot better and there is a lot less profanity used........
I was gonna pick up your paycheck but the guy said no. He said when you start coming to work he will give you a paycheck.
Well since I was on vacation last week I dont think I get a paycheck this That would be great if I did though.
this sucks when you dont have anything to do at work but surf the internet and try and figure out totally pointless tasks to do for yourself cause your boss is in a meeting until its time fo ryou to leave early cause you can
Where are we going to get our 90's costumes?
well i was gonna buy a dont hassle the hoff t-shirt off line but it was gonna cost me like $20 so i didnt do that. we can either go to the thrift shop or i may just say fuck it and wear my liesure suit
is dressing up really going to be neccessary?? theres only gonna be like 5 people there.......
Yea, we must dress up! Thrift store after work Thursday. Then maybe Sheffields?
ive gotta go running first but we can go after that, prolly no sheffields, were gonna be drinking all fucking weekend
did you get that email from pat askin to write an email summarizing our summer internship?
The one that talked about going to Keith's next friday? I have to write an essay for CEM anyways, this is a class for me. I will run with you, but you have to keep up with me.
absolutely not, i havent ran in like 2 weeks. i run on the tredmill anyways
Ohh by the way. They gave me cubicle away while I was on vacation, but I ended up getting my own office this week. I have to give it back Monday when this dude gets back from vacation, but this is still pretty cool.
what trailer are you in?
who the fuck took your office?
Some new guy took my cubicle...he is a total fag. I am in the same trailer just one of the office's up front.
thats fucked up, good thing i sit in terry's office cause i know nobody else wants this desk.
by the way did you get my message about terry's thats what she said
Yea I did. He's better then you (that's what she said).
Are you driving this weekend?.....because I am lazy and hate driving.
so my plan today was to drink as much water as i can so that i have to go to the bathroom a lot and that passes the time faster
Good plan...I wish their were other restaurants in whiting by the way...cuz we always go to Keith's. Ohh and we definitely need to get all the interns to go to auerillios next week for lunch.
I'm down, send out an email, I'm out of here
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