Friday, June 22, 2007

Everyones Leaving

As the new school year draws closer, I have begun to realize that everyone on this blog is gone (Bisanz in one semester). Anyways I am going to do a top ten list of things I am going to miss. I heard BAC loves lists (but not as much as wet men,or himself[editor's note] apparently).

Top 10 Things I will miss:
10). Chad man priding Sojo, Poppe, Me….well actually everyone.
9). Making fun of Pat for having that DG shack with him….again!
8). Dad’s Day (Mr. Sharpe and Mr. Bisanz).
7). Clay and Poppe convincing Sojo to wear a pearl necklace and any other gay clothes.
6). Lonnie wiggling his fingers to “Snow” and asking girls if they need any cocktails.
5). Chad and Clay arguing over who had better fantasy stats in our flag football game.
4). Bisanz/Crazy Lauren stories
3). Watching: AD, Always Sunny, The Office, Scrubs, and of course GND.
2). Making fun of: well….everyone.
1). The Bars just won’t be the same.

I of course will also miss all the inside jokes, because now I am not going to have anyone else inside with me (insert joke here). These are all the ones I could think of (feel free to add more).
Jokes: Oh yea…well you don’t even have a penis!*, Ha hmmmm, DING, Sweet Caroline, ETA BETA…bitch!, you know who loved….., JK Beno, Helicockter, Da’ Bears, Go Horse, Shooorrtayyy…whats your drink, that’s what she said, we are on fall break…we are from Australlia, Holy Shit!, Don’t Worry About It, do you girls need some cocktails?, Sojo and his pastel button down’s, Poppe = Snorlacks, Chadding Hard, Take your monkey hands off her, ahhh….my Wii arm, I’m soooo ripped, Sky Vodka, “Ohh great…I get to see my grandkids made in front of me”, [u]Inappropriate, Bobblehead Bisanz, Rumpies!, Stacks!, “Go inside and enjoy your meal”, Colbert banned from 315, “if you play this song one more time, I will fucking kill you”, “Theresa just give him your number”, John McMadden, Muppet Treasure Island, Uncle Bryan[alec baldwin], Tri-Pis and their Blumpkins, “Poppe, Painter just gave Pat a reach around”, Deal with IT….doggie, Damnit Yuki (ahh Pledgeship), Can I take her to B-dubs?, How do I get her to kiss me?, Never gonna give you up….Never gonna let you down, Party Fries, Snow Day?...lets go to Stacks, Are you guys professors or students?, I just need a boyfriend (crazy Stacks lady), and “All State”.
*Actually peaked when it was reversed on the girl with the big ugly nose.

I fly high, no lie, you know this.....BLOGGIN'


Teno17 said...

I forgot a couple: Like to Rock?, and KISS ME!

The Griz said...

How about when we moved chad's room into the brother lounge....

Anonymous said...

This is Britton, I knew Chad would never have the balls to stand up to me about that.

Chadding Hard said...

I still win in the end...

Anonymous said...

Yea, people that go to realty school always win in the end.....phi town riders for life

Teno17 said...

Man Priding at its best!

Chadding Hard said...

I'm glad you know...people that go to realty school DO always win in the end. and the phi town comment makes no sense.

question...who is that really?

BAC said...

Scholars prefer to call it establishing dominance.

How about when we used to make people work in the computer lab during rush?

Or when Joe finger-blasted that old lady during the Golf outing?

BAC said...

Also, for legal purposes could I please be "smiley faced" out of any pictures posted, I don't want to be recognized or legally connected with anything that pat writes on. I don't want HOOP coming after me.

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.

BAC said...

well i'd babelfish that...but i dont want to.

the sharpe said...

I believe rodrigo has said it best.

the sharpe said...

On a side note, the thersa comment really brought back one of my best drunk memories. I cannot describe how both shocking and hysterical that situation was to my drunk mind. I'm totally glad I banged her though. (no he didn't) Yes, I did.

the sharpe said...

You should also add ordering a thousand drinks because seriously how would I carry them all?

BAC said...

I would like to nominate my interview with Pat's "dad" for the job at IBM.

BAC said...

and No Fear

BAC said...

and pee boner's

Teno17 said...

What about ruining the tailgate at U of I? The Theresa thing was hilarious, I wish she still worked there. Polo shirt guy, that was pretty funny too.