To Pacman....
It's time for the word "pacman" to become a verb. The latest incident, in which members of Pacman Jones' entourage (I want an entourage) allegedly shot at another unknown entourage outside an Atlanta-area strip club around 4 a.m. Monday, clinches the deal. "To pacman" needs to become part of the English language.

Pacman\ PAC-man\, verb:
From the Nintendo gaming word:
From the Nintendo gaming word:
1). To repeatedly do a stupid thing while professing to understand its stupidity.
2). To make it rain*.
3). To be fast (thats what she said).
Adam 'Pacman' Jones claimed he was going to change his life, after this recent incident he believes that he is improving. Instead of actually being arrested on a crime; he has now just been brought in for questioning because the police believe he knows who committed the crime. Congratulations! You have now passed from felon to snitch! Pacman has fallen so far out of 'good standing' (how hard is that to accomplish, Ray Lewis** killed a man and he is still playing) with the league that Titans star quarterback Vince Young has begun to question Pacman's interest in playing in the league anymore. That is pathetic by the way.
Anyways back to my new word, here is an example of how it can be used. Pat really pacmaned last night when he had BE*** shack with him...again. Well that is all I have on this new development.
*Throwing money in the air at strip clubs.
**Lewis only committed one offense, unlike Pacman.
*** BE is the name we have given this girl to protect her identity.
that is my new call sign....I noticed BAC wanted something like this at the end of all posts.
Ray Lewis 'allegedly' killed someone, I dont want to get sued (I know a lot of people read this blog). So just to clarify Ray Lewis was accused but not convicted. "If the glove dont fit, aquit".
Shouldn't Pacman the verb at least include eating stuff real fast?
ALso, best Madden Curse ever would be Pacman gunning down Vince Young outside of a strip club in Nashville the week before the regular season started.
This Pat character sounds like a real stud.
This Pat guy is some kind of something.
OVERRATED /drops water cooler
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