Monday, March 26, 2007

I'm So Good at Procrastinating, I Wrote This a Week Ago and am Now Just Posting It

As I'm sitting here in the computer lab doing everything I can to not write my paper, I realized something I'm really good at. Procrastination. Someone once said, and I believe it was Mark Twain, "Procrastination is like masturbation... in the end you are only fucking yourself." Ummm, that seems like it is supposed to have negative connotations, but for some reason I only think thats even more of a reason to procrastinate. Because, I believe it was another scholar, a Mr. Maggart that once said, "I'd rather jerk off and fall asleep then have sex and cuddle." Well put Mr. Maggart, well put. Anyways, below, I compiled a list of how you can actively procrastinate.

Its sad really...

Search the Internet
Nothing wastes more time in the world than surfing the information highway known as the internet... or as I like to call it, the International Porn Station. (IPS for short). There is literally anything you want to find on there. Just the other day I found a girl with two heads trying to find a date to prom. I was captivated. My only question was, does that count as a threesome for the guy that hooks up with her/them? Perhaps it would be a two and a half some... interesting.

Grandparent Porn... if this rooms a rockin, it's probably just a chair...

Clean your room
Yes, I know this sounds like a mothers idea, but seriously it works like a charm. Not only are you getting all of your Star Wars action figures in thier right places once again after acting out the battle of Hoth for the 9th time this week, but you don't have to feel bad about procrastinating. Atleast you are doing something productive right?

You may just want to touch it up...

Do A Friend Check
One of my favorite tactics. I like to wander around and see if any of my friends are around possibly looking to procrastinate as well. Remember... two procrastinators are always better than one, its not lonely and you also can come up with creative ways to not do work. However, if you live alone, you may say, Diesel, what about me? I've already thought ahead. Go to neighboring houses and knock on doors, then proceed to ask for usefless stuff like hammers, extra screws, duct tape, maybe a step stool. Not only does this take up time, but the stuff is so small, perhaps your neighbors will forget about it and then think, FREE HAMMER!

Here's some free hammer for you... love those pants...

Watch TV
This is a tricky one, because the whole point of procrastinating is to do something that makes you feel as if you are NOT wasting time, when in fact you are. The trick to TV is that for every 5 minutes of PTI you watch, you have to watch atleast one minute of the Discovery Channel. This way, when someone says what you did today, you don't just quote Woody Paige in claiming that Kobe is not a team player. Besides, the Discovery Channel is pretty clutch, I mean, Dirty Jobs, Mythbusters, How Things Are Made, those shows can put you in a trance for hours and they are meant to be educational... way to go procrastinator!

Ahhh, the old boob tube

Well, I'm sure you all have many other options, but because even this is taking away from my procrastination time, I have to end it, so remember your 5:1 TV ratios and also when borrowing from neighbors, keep it small and simple so they will forget easily, don't take their riding lawnmower in other words. So until next time, whenever that may be, take care and good luck in your procrastiventures.

P.S. - When lookin for pictures in a computer lab, it is unwise to search for Internet Porn while people are around... they tend to give you weird looks, or so I hear


BAC said...

You should watch Man v. Wild, it's awesome. Plus you learn important things like how to build a raft, and what to do if an elephant charges you.

Oh and my grandma once accused my grandpa of looking at "prono" on the internet.

the sharpe said...

There is porno on the internet?

BAC said...

Not on your computer, your dad wants you to beef up more than just your forearm.