Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Hey NBA...

In an attempt to butch it up a bit this week, I am going to go over my thoughts about the NBA real quick:

This year has sucked...alot. I guess if you were a fan of a the Suns or the Mavs, this year would be pretty sweet. Or if you were a Pistons fan(although you and Satan and Coconut Monkey are probably too busy betting souls during Strip Yahtzee to notice). But for pretty much everyone else it has kinda blown. I mean, you Bulls fans can pretend to be excited...but it's pretty hard to win a Championship without Michael Jordan or a post scorer.

And then there's my team, the Pacers.
I've known from the beginning of the year that the Pacers were not going to be anything special. Sans Larry Bird showing up light(weight not skin tone) and rarin' to go, we were not going to wow anyone. Another season of placid mediocrity interspersed with brawls and suspensions was all I really had to look forward to. Of course then we had the Stephen Jackson - Three Finger showdown, followed by the infamous saloon incident. Squished in between was the attempt at a whitewash. OK, now everything is underlined and I don't know how to get rid of with it, I'm running out of time as it is. The main point is I learned shortly that the draft class was supposed to be pretty sweet this year, so secretly I hoped for us to suck...monkey balls. Of course we promptly managed to swindle our way to five games above .500, meaning we were miles ahead in the playoff race for the 6th seed. Of course all mediocre things must come to an end, so we then turned on the brakes and are presently on our way to the Lottery after losing 11 of 12 right? WRONG on two fronts. Not only are we tied for the last spot in the East, positioning ourselves for our yearly "Ass Pistoning", but we traded our first rounder(top 10 protected) for AL HARRINGTON, who managed to make it 30 games before everyone remembered we traded him because he is a black hole(in layman's terms "ball goes in....never comes back"). So now we have to suck even harder just to get to keep the pick, which will no doubt result in us not making the playoffs, but getting the 11th pick, which will be quickly shuffled off so that we can be stuck with an even shittier team next year. DAMNIT. Good luck reading that with all the underlines.


the sharpe said...

We don't have a post scorer? Have you not heard of Ben Wa...fuck. I did like the Pacers idea of trying to become Duke but forgetting in the end that anyone related to Duke must eventually blow in the NBA. I have more but will people still keep reading if I'm not underlining everything? Screw it.

Go White Sox!

BAC said...

The thing is, I actually don't know how to underline things, I tried to underline this but it just brought up some kind of programming shit