Gettin' some Ash
Can I get an amen? No? I'll just power through then, just like the power of God. Today marks the day when Catholics are the most blatantly obviously religites around and I am rocking more wood than a cross. Across from what you say? How about we disregard directions and instead get back to the point? That idea sounds better to me than a long slug of watered down, spit filled, church wine. We Catholics aren't big on the evangelical preaching or witty religious shirts so this is our main day to be annoying.
As the sect which most enjoys the wine to water idea* we don't receive much love from other followers of the true God (yes, this is a cut to all your spaghetti monster believers). I hear whispers that others don't enjoy our company due to something involving our inability to renounce the Nazis around WWII or our out and out dislike of homosexuals (who aren't priests) but I think we can come together under one idea. We all dislike gay Nazis. All of us. So lets just all chill out and enjoy the fact that some of us have ash smeared all over our foreheads while we make fun of the fact that a bunch of Nazis actually were gay.
*GOB assured me that this is correct
I also want to add this poll.
Cool or not cool to jack off on holy days of obligation?
My vote is no but Beno just went to class and I've actually blogged...
Isn't it already a sin? I say, "In for a dollar, suck it off my dick..." Go For It!
Anyday is a good day to jack off.
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