Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Review/Gayest Post Yet!

Thoughts after watching the entire season in 24 hours on a Kinda Good Season 4

  • Wow, Sojo is teased all season long that Christian might be gay and I was not there to needle him about it...goddamn I hate not being an undergrad anymore.
  • I believe that I am probably now certified to make a mold of Christian's ass...with my eyes closed.
  • The only way they can keep Kimber around is to have her marry Matt? That is weak, and I do not accept the pregnant porno throwaway story.
  • It's about time someone made fun of scientology...oh wait.
  • So Sean is a millionaire plastic surgeon and his wife cheated on him with a midget after they were married...and she ends up with the kids? I'm finding it hard to believe that Stanley Kahn couldn't have gotten at least the clawed one in the divorce or something.
  • Matt becomes a surgeon after a stellar academic career of quitting high school? Perhaps helping a transvestite kill a Nazi is like some kind of bonus point I was not aware of?
  • That penis sculpture would look amazing in the President's room on like a raised dais or something equivalent, with a spotlight shining down on it. Like a more artistic representation of brother Frank.

  • So AC is a gay surgeon? He fantasizes about all the cum Christian has left in the shower? Check him off the list of Saved by the Bell Cast members I've seen naked now. [Seriously, who's left, Lisa Turtle? Mr. Belding(god help me if this ever happens)] Can't wait to see the tough biker chick.
  • Um, Bobolit gets out of prison in like, 1 year? Although I did giggle when he asked for an anal retread.
  • I'm pretty sure the Organ Thieves Story line could have been like, a thousand times better. It should have been run by a crazy French Robber-Baron, not that ugly french pimptress who loves handjobs. The baron could have had like a sweet mustache and half cape and he could have been Christian's wing man when they picked up like cheerleading squads at competitions. Then there could have been an awkward moment when an old man was making them fuck his wife while he watched and cringed so he could get his power back...oh wait. By the way, convincing a girl who randomly hooked up with a guy to come back and have a fake tattoo with "Property of xxxx" on her back...best prank ever. I expect to see it done next semester Pat. I would do it to you, but I don't think Beno would get a fake tattoo...ZING.
  • I think my favorite moment of the season was seeing future Christian. Although it would have been much funnier had he showed up with two Asian male twins. That scene would have been quickly supplanted as my favorite had the less gay of the two male yakuza gun Escobar lackeys had said to the other guy, "I think that you are wearing women's perfume."
  • Season 5 in LA? I guess it has potential, although it seems to be just setting them up for more celebrities and possibly Matt meeting Michael Jackson. Or a climactic battle between Christian, Sean, Tom Cruise and John Travolta for Matt's soul. And I do mean climactic, yow. Hammock UP!
  • Last note for now:
    • Christian plays Hide the Sausage with Rosie O'Donnell and she asks if its all the way in. Which Option is correct?
      • Christian not hung like a mule as he has previously stated.
      • Rosie O'Donnell has a HUGE VAGINA.
      • Christian is holding back, only brings his A-game for shower scenes with AC.
Later Fellas, Fill me in about New Years
P.S. I wasn't going to make this super gay, but then I wanted to add pictures, and I knew that was the only way to go then.

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