Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sharpe's Hero

Finally an athlete Sharpe can look up too! Apparently Heath Bell lost 25 pounds this offseason using....Wii Fit.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Making Rupp Proud!

So I am watching the Kentucky vs Flordia game and I noticed something unusual about Kentucky's court. There is only one 3 point line on the court! This is significant because I haven't seen any college courts with only one line. The guys moved theirs back a foot this year but the girls line stayed at the same place, hence the confusion Hummel always has shooting 3's (people from valpo can't figure out those pesky 2 lines).

This made me wonder....where do the UK women play. Better yet who cares. I am extremely sick of women's basketball which has been given an abnormal amount of TV time because of Pat Summit and her 1,000 win. Who cares! I believe Sharpe wrote a blog about this a long time ago, so I won't get into it. But I can't help but think that the women play in a tiny building off campus; just the way Adolf Rupp would have wanted it.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Chad writing commercials?


If only Shaq made the hmm noise somewhere in the commercial, then I would be certain Chad wrote it.