Tuesday, August 26, 2008

And it begins....

Well in order to get the blog back jumping this year I've decided I'm going to let you all follow my fantasy football team! Get pumped! Tonight is the draft so I will let you all know how Enis Envy has done tomorrow.

ps-I will be picking Neckbeard in the first round.


The Griz said...

I am officially pumped!!!!

Anonymous said...

so i was wondering if i could get a spot on the blog? I feel like i am up for the challenge... Borchardts

the sharpe said...

You have to blow BAC...or at least that is how Beno got to be on the blog.

BAC said...

I am the Danny DeVito if you will...

Also, You have to have a valid e-mail address, so I don't think you qualify. Or you could just prove that you do by e-mailing me then I can get it set up. I'm pretty sure Pat can do it also. [I was going to say "as well", but we all know Pat can't do it as well as I can]

The Griz said...

what happened to the fantasy team?

Teno17 said...

Actually it was a blumpkin a la the tri-pis.

Is Chad still alive?

The Griz said...

I think so, one of my friends saw him in broadripple last weekend

Chadding Hard said...

furious masterbation.

that is all.