Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Baseball season is here --> Ozzie still crazy

Not sure if you caught these quotes on TheBigLead...

* ”I’ll be cocky. If we win this year, I might run naked down Michigan Avenue like people expect me to do.”

* A couple of times I said, ‘We’ll be OK.’ [Expletive] OK, and I went off in Texas. You can only take so much.”

* ”I don’t give a [expletive] what people think about me”

* ”Then if you’re a nice guy, they are going to treat you the same way. [Expletive] it, be an asshole then. I would rather be an asshole winning than be a nice guy [expletive] losing. Give me an asshole who can win, don’t give me a nice guy who can [expletive] lose.”

* ”As long as I don’t rape anybody, as long a I pay my taxes, I don’t beat my wife … if I am going to be on the front page of the newspaper because of [expletive] baseball, I will take that. ”If more people treat baseball the way I treat baseball, this [expletive] game will be better.”

Yes, I love having a manager who discusses rape of wife beating. The best part of these quotes was that we are going to be decent at best (aka still better than everyone in the NL central) but Ozzie G. is back to pretending like we are a good squad.

I would also like to put down my prediction of the Cubs not winning the world series. Seriously, the last time you won something people probably still rode horses to the game. Pathetic.


BAC said...

Ozzie's last name is Osborne, I don't think it has a 'g' in it?

BAC said...

This baseball thing will never catch on for the blog. Poppe's a Royals fan, so all he can do is cry because they will never be good. Chad's a Cubs fan so 'nuff said. I assume Klein is as well. Beno is either a Yankees fan or a Red Sox fan, I can never remember, I think it depends on which state he passed though most recently. And I don't think Dan and Lonnie are allowed to look at the blog at work so I doubt we will hear much from then about the subject either. So since basketball season doesn't start until the draft for our shitty teams, we will just have to put on our dresses and tango like we mean it.

the sharpe said...

Sadly for the East, both of our teams are actually still in playoff contention. I would hope in the end one of us would be able to leap the power houses* of Atl, Philly, or a Kiddless NJ.

*I would pronounce houses, "houzez," cuz** I'm pretty street now
**yet another example of my streetnezz***
***need I go on?

Teno17 said...

Wait...there are no kids in Jersey?

I thought they used to ride goats to their games?

Ozzy is also retarded....I dont think there is anyway the White Sox can finish ahead of Detroit or Cleveland.

the sharpe said...

How about the competition for teams who have won a world series in the time you've been alive?

The Griz said...

Do I really have to get grouped with chad on this, I mean, shouldn't he be an Indianapolis Indians fan or something?

The Griz said...

Plus, the Cub's made the choice to hire an Asian to the team.....not to mention Pie is starting along with a little guy you might have heard of called Alfonso Soriano. Plus on account of it's our anniversary.....I'm pretty excited!

Chadding Hard said...

following your logic, you would be a Colts fan...since you live in the state and all...you idiot

The Griz said...

I guess I should be.....but since all Colts fans are douchebags, I think i made the right choice.....

Chadding Hard said...

another stellar argument by Klein

BAC said...

Yes, It was certainly the Colts fans that were acting like douchebags during the Super Bowl...

I would have accepted had he named Colts fans rednecks, since I assume Klein had already met most of them at NRA meetings or at the last duck hunt*.

*Not the NES version where you had to put the gun on the screen to insure accuracy.

Teno17 said...

I am pretty sure evertime Super Bowl XLI is mentioned Sharpe starts to cry.