This is all the dudes I know. Beno could bring his new Pat "blow-up-pledge" i guess.
Also why is that Wise man weiring a yammulka(sp?)?
Also, I had to do a citation to the bible for legal research and writing last year, and I was a bit confused, Is the author God? do I leave that part blank? Is this fiction? Non-fiction? Fantasy? historical fiction? I ended up just citing it as an internet database.
Tony Dungy told me there was definitely no anal in the bible. Except for the part about Sodom, but i'm pretty sure that part wasn't real like the rest of the bible.
Can we get a new poll on this blog?
thats what she said?
This is all the dudes I know. Beno could bring his new Pat "blow-up-pledge" i guess.
Also why is that Wise man weiring a yammulka(sp?)?
Also, I had to do a citation to the bible for legal research and writing last year, and I was a bit confused, Is the author God? do I leave that part blank? Is this fiction? Non-fiction? Fantasy? historical fiction? I ended up just citing it as an internet database.
Just check ALWD...I believe it is annotated naturally ambiguous literature, or ANAL for short. This could be total shit though.
Tony Dungy told me there was definitely no anal in the bible. Except for the part about Sodom, but i'm pretty sure that part wasn't real like the rest of the bible.
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