Boy vs Wild
So I'm so burned out studying for property that I've decided to post on the blog. Whoray! I also decided to turn on the TV and guess what show is on, Man vs Wild!
I think this show is cool but think how cool it would be if it were me instead of some bad ass old army dude. The show could feature me getting tired after walking in the sun for 10 minutes or me being violently attacked by wild animals. This would kinda suck for me but the show would always end with my advice of being miraculously rescued at the correct moment.
On a side note, these kind of survival shows have taught me one important life lesson-when traveling anywhere make sure that you have a huge ass knife. Seriously. There are a bunch of episodes of this show or Survivorman where they talk about being stranded with nothing but their knife. Survivorman also normally brings one match with him. Umm...I never have a knife and now that I've been forced to stop smoking the likelihood I have a match is zero. This sucks. Terrorists have ruined my chances or survival in a remote rain forest and legislation has limited the delicious ease of smoking to the point that I no longer want to deal with visiting flavor county and thus have also lowered my life expectancy while in a stranded a desert.
One last random thought before I go back to killing myself slowly with his song is how much I enjoy watching these kinds of shows in the most comfortable place possible. I also really like to eat food and drink Gatorade in bed while these idiots are spending time in the wilderness. I just really like the idea of them eating bugs while I throw back some beef jerky and replenish my fluids after a tough day of listening to a professor discuss legal terms which wouldn't fly in the wild. Try saying you own something in fee simple to a jaguar. That jaguar would rape the shit out of your claim for Blackacre in two seconds. No doubt.
I really just kept writing this because I like the way my keys sound when I type fast. I also refused to proofread so enjoy my grammatical mistakes and misspellings.
PS-Anyone going to Detroit for the bowl game?
If we go to the bowl game we will need to bring a gun. I am afraid that I may catch gun fever though.
jaguars will never give you anything more than a life estate. And they always try to violate the rule of perpetuities...bastards.
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