Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Watch out for Fandle

So as my mailbox has exceeded the Purdue limits I have had to go through and delete old emails. I stopped to read a couple that caught my eye and I thought this definitely needed to be shared.

Here's a little story I thought was pretty funny, that I wanted to share with everyone. So I am driving home from work yesterday (Tuesday July 5th), and I am listening to a local radio station here in Indianapolis. They were having a contest and giving away 2 tickets to this concert this Thursday, and the winner was the one who turned in the best drunk dial message from the weekend. So the radio DJ says this is a voicemail left on this guy Chad's voice mail. SO I am listening to this message, and it starts off by saying something like, Chad why dont you ever answer your phone when I call you (side note, this message was left at 3:20 in the morning), you never fucking answer the phone, you should want to talk to me, I am huge like a movie star, I'm a flippin movie star, you should want me autograph...something along those lines, I was laughing pretty hard at the time, because I am thinking to my self this guy kinda sounds like Fandel, and actually he has the stutter effect going just like fandel as well. But I mean Fandl lives in Munster, and this is Indianapolis so it cant be right? Well the voice mail goes on to say, " I fucking hate you Chad, and Clay too, I am going to come down there and rape the both of you!" So then I thought it couldnt be Chad Frazell and Adam Clay, so I call Farzell up, and ask him if hes listening to this, and before I finish he starts dying on the phone, he couldnt believe he got it on the radio for one, and two, it was Fandel on the voice mail drunk as shit. Mean while the DJ is ripping fandle apart, basically calling him a homo, and who says shit like that to someone. So to shorten up this already long story, Fandel made an ass of himself on Indianapolis radio, and because of his drunk dial won Farzell two tickets to this concert on Thursday, and it seems to have made a pretty funny impression, because they played it again on my way to work this morning. Just thought I'd let everyone know about it. Good job Fandel, you continue to succeed in being a complete jackass.

Is there anyway to get this voicemail? I never heard it but the story alone had me laughing pretty hard.


BAC said...

My sexiness crosses the boundaries of gender and time.

Chadding Hard said...

we would have to contact radio now 93.1