Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Out Cold

So I'm in Lawyering Skills today (please laugh at the name of this actual class) and I got to watch an amazing freeze up after the most simple question of all time. We were talking about selecting authority for an open memo we have coming up and our prof asks if anyone has ever played the card game war before because she made these cards with different sources on them so we could do a little class activity.* The class is lacking in gunners and so of course stays quiet for fear of walking into a mind fuck. Dead silence went on for awhile when this little bomb got dropped...

Has anyone NOT played the game war? Did anyone miss out on being a child? All of you were children, right? Steve?

This is a question which can easily be laughed off or a simple, "Yes, I was at one point a child" would cover all bases. Instead, Steve decided to go down the I will throw up a blank stare road. He just sat there and stared back. I stifled laughter like an ass and just watched him stare back for a good 30 seconds before someone finally admitted to playing one of the most played children games of all time. I know the experience of hearing your name called in an actual class sucks (there are three Patricks in my section) but come on that was insanely simple. I get questions where I have to sound like a racist** to answer correctly* and this bastard can't answer if he was ever little.

*This is my favorite teacher due to the fact that she doesn't care that I'm always on espn in class and she does these great grade school class participation activities that have prizes. Want me to get into something? Offer me a prize. This doesn't count for sexual favors for guys though so don't bother.
**I got called on in regards to whether someone's racist thoughts should come into play with his negligent action. The answer was no but there is no way I'm going to be the racist kid in class. I'm the kid who sits in the back and refuses to participate on idiot hypos, not the racist kid in the back who refuses to participate on idiot hypos. I bit the bullet and got a jab from the prof but it was all worth it in the end as Sharpton called me later on in the day and said I wasn't all that bad for a white devil.

PS How horrible were the Cowboys last night? That game just reminded me how terrible the Bears are rather than how Romo and Rex will probably have a laugh about this game when they meet up at the bar where all the NFL QBs. Sorry, no Poppes allowed.


BAC said...

Did you have to kiss his ass?

It wouldn't be so bad if that's where he hid the map.

BAC said...

Did you have to kiss his ass?

It wouldn't be so bad if that's where he hid the map.

the sharpe said...

Do you smell that?

Also, your double post was twice as funny as this actual post.

Diesel said...

Why can't I come along?

the sharpe said...

You can't come because you would enjoy this club the most. Also, Tom Brady is the president and he says you look mildly gay at times.

the sharpe said...


Diesel said...

Because you gave Brady president over Manning, that clearly is a flub, so uhh, Poppe - 2, Brady - 0. Do you think they have a Pirate Room at that club?

BAC said...

Retarded 3 - Brady 0

Of course his mom think's he's special.