And one more thing... it was emotional.
Mostly because I was getting tired of coming to this website and seeing the gay black dude with "Cum Inside" as our front page, I decided I should contribute just a bit.
So I took the day off of work today and was browsing the internet. And by taking the day off, I mean doing what I normally do everyday but instead not putting any effort at all into advancing my situation. So I was perusing different sites and came upon this little gem at WithLeather that I'm sure you've all see by now.
So wow. That guy is awesome. Think of the pleasure his emo girlfriend gets from those fingers. Do you think right before he tries his extraordinary stunts she rushes up to him and says, "Just be careful. For me." Then he walks off in slow motion, batting his eyes and thinking, "Man, when I get home, I'm gonna rest my fingers, put on some Dashboard, and make sweet finger loving to that girl. Right after she takes off her black and white catholic school girl skirt held together by bobby pins... because seriously, I've seen a lot of good fingers go down after getting a pin to the knuckle. It's the ACL tear of the finger boarding world."
Ok, back to the point. So because I was intrigued by this feat, I scoured the internet stacks (i.e. YouTube) and found even more videos, but none more repulsive than this one.
But dude, that video is awesome. You are probably thinking this to yourself. But yet you don't know why. Is it because some chubby handed bastard sitting indian style on the floor of his kitchen in his socks is creating his own slow motion grinds off of his Intro to Geometry book? No, thats not it.
Wait, maybe its the sick 49ers jersey the kid is rocking that I'm betting is an old Rice jersey that he found at goodwill. But no, only Colbert would get excited over that and he's not on this blog. Plus, he probably hates Jerry Rice ever since he went to Oakland.
Then what could it be... wait a second... no, it couldn't be...
They used the Rocky IV soundtrack for finger boarding?!?! What's next? Chariots of Fire in the Special Olympics?! (P.S. I love the question mark/exclamation mark... so many possibilities. Are you excited, questioning, confused? I don't know, GENIOUS!) What a great piece of music from arguably the greatest sports movie ever created. Necessary Roughness would be a close second.
So now, I just hope that this video doesn't ruin my viewing pleasure of Rocky IV like when an ex girlfriend ruins all of your fond memories of your sports team because she adapts them as "HER" team when you date. You know what? Seattle sucks... and so do the Seahawks. Hmm, might have gotten a little personal there. Oh well.
Well it's now time to end my post of the month... talk to you all soon. I might even get to see Kepler this weekend because I'm traveling to Funcie Muncie where I hear the donuts are fresh like Krispy Kreme. Or something like that.
Diesel Out!
I think I could pull a Truck through 3 inches of snow for 4 feet...
Poppe, are you going to be gone the whole weekend? I'm going to be in Indy for this weekend.
Also, When can we make our own recording of "Nightman?"
Best montage ever!
Plus I definately had that same algebra textbook in highschool, but i know what your thinking and no, thats not me in the video. I only wish i could have such emo powers.
1. Seattle really does suck.
2. How sweet was Drago's punch while he was running? Not only is this completely necessary during a match but it gives off the I don't give a fuck approach that only comes from communist Russia.
3. I'm so with Rocky in his want to not go to the gym but to train naturally. This is the reason I've never actually worked out at a gym. Also, do you know why Drago didn't train the way Rocky did? It is prolly because that is just the shit he did when he wasn't working out. Screw Russia.
4. Rocky could have won the fight a lot easier if he just brought that axe to the fight.
5. Adam is 100% animals about recording something with someone at sometime...he is somegay.
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