Thursday, September 27, 2007

I'm going to die...

One of the girls in front of me has bathed in perfume. She should have foreseen my revulsion. I'm never going to make it through this class.


BAC said...

Try kicking her chair and asking if she could take some of it off. Or you could fart, that's always a good option.

the sharpe said...

I made it through Torts with Stinky by my 1:15 long Contracts class maybe a touch more difficult.

One a completely unrelated note there is another guy named Patrick who sits by me that I hate due to his idiotic behavior during class. He refers to the profs are your honor and at one point attempted to be called on using a large foam hand. Total queer. Today though I noticed he had the same blackberry that I have. Thankfully he had a super faggy protective case for it and relief washed over me in a giant wave.

the sharpe said...

Yes Adam, my contracts class is just over a minute long. Ass.

(sorry we talked about Minority Report the other day in Crim Law and I've now decided to punish future crimes before they happen, I'm like a weaker, stranger Tom Cruise)

BAC said...

That was a really underrated movie. Pure class.

BAC said...

By the way, I'm listening to the espn soccer podcast, and i'm pretty sure i would pay like 20 dollars a day to have a british guy be the voice in my head.

the sharpe said...

I'm listening to my property teacher confuse an entire class in regards to fee tails. It is like being part of a train wreck but also getting to watch. Double whammy!

BAC said...

how could you be a part of a train wreck but not get to watch?

Diesel said...

you guys don't make sense

BAC said...

Hey poppe, guess who wants to come to purdue for the OSU game?