Monday, September 17, 2007

For Tom...

I don't know why this computer posts things so weird but...

Just a tip Tom, you're supposed to eat their vagina,* not their face. Zing!

*Yes Adam, I literally mean you are supposed to eat their vagina. I know you were getting ready to make that comment you smug bastard.


BAC said...

You could have at least tagged the bottom with a funny euphemism for vagina eating, lazy cockknocker.

BAC said...

Thanks! You're so thoughtful.

the sharpe said...

Thats what she said?

typed with a question mark because that was a sucky joke

Anonymous said...

Hi. This Sergio of Madrid. Spain. Sorry if english is no good. We find link to blog of you and read and make we laugh. Laugh most from the sharpe. We smile to see like to rave and interest in butt. In Spain the gay stay quiet but the sharpe make we smile. You what we say modelo a imitar. We try make blog of you most popular here. Thanks for smile.


the sharpe said...

The sharpe. Illinois. US. I'm actually not sorry about my poor English. I'm so touched. Touched right in the butt.