Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Football Note

Sorry that that last video is bigger than the area it is supposed to be in...actually no, i'm not sorry. Anyway, I just wanted to publicly note my shock that Mike Brown is injured for the season. He makes Bob Sanders look like Cal Ripken (not literally, but in the games played sense, I would not wish on anyone to actually look like Cal Ripken).* I can only imagine that Brown wore himself down during Training camp returning interceptions for touchdowns. Not that it really matters, if the Bears can't make the playoffs in the NFC, they might as well drop out of the NFL and put flags on their pants. Everyone knows that American is better than National...(Seriously who thought of that? Could they not think of anything less inane?) Anyways, time to get back to the Uniform Commercial Code.

*Karma, if you are going to punish me for this, please take it out on Rob Morris.


Teno17 said...

My highlight was the Browns benching Fry and then trading him the next day. Does anyone else think they can do a better job running that organization?

BAC said...

I just want to know who saw Frye's performance and thought, "gotta get me some of dat"