I know it’s a little late (especially for BAC), but I have gotten you guys a gift. I know, I know I didn’t have to get you guys anything, but I really wanted too. Anyways I know you guys have started new jobs, or are preparing to start jobs, or in Pat’s case doing nothing, and I figured you could use something that would remind you of Purdue. I am sure you are all going through Stack’s withdrawal (I know I am) and wishing you could get a Green Dragon in your new home, or at least wishing you could make one for yourself. If you are like Colbert and I you always tried to watch which alcohols the bartenders used, but never were coherent enough to remember which ones they used. Well today is your lucky day, because I found out that Stack’s has a website and they have a page with the recipes for their specialty drinks. Without further ado here is the list of drinks you can now make for yourself.

Now all you need is some 80's music and a wooden bench and you have yourself your own private Stack's.
1 comment:
If you look close enough at the picture of Stacks you can see that Pat and I are inside. Note that it is sunny out so we are prob. skipping class.
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