Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Church of Paris

Paris Hilton is becoming a nun?

She has turned to God?

No...now she is talking to Buddah?

These are all thoughts that have crossed my mind recently with the multiple reports on Paris trying to get out/stay out of prison. Paris has been seen carrying the self-help book "The Power of Now" and a copy of the Holy Bible (probablly stolen from a motel room) around Beverly Hills. She apparently is trying to shed her party girl/porno girl image, and become a woman of God. (I am pretty sure to be a woman of God you must be STD free, not sure on that one though).

During her most recent court appearance she reportedly turned to her parents several times, and mouthed, "I love you." At one point, she made the sign of the cross and appeared to be praying. Great stunts that I am posotive she did not think of on her own, but the judge still sent her back to jail, and justice was served.

Assistant City Attorney Dan F. Jeffries argued that Hilton’s incarceration was purely up to the judge. “Her release after only three days erodes confidence in the judicial system, and this reversal proves that no one is above the law” he said. Somewhere I can't help but think O.J. Simpson is watching this all on T.V. and having himself a good laugh!

1 comment:

the sharpe said...

1. Tina is spelled as such, not Teno
2. who let a 17 year old post on the blog?
3. When do you think I will be able to FINALLY grow facial hair? The situation at present is seriously upsetting.