Childhood Obesity
So recently I saw a news report on Childhood Obesity (if you ask yourself why I have begun to watch the news the answer is because Munster is boring. Ciric works every morning at 6 am, even on the weekend....and like I'm gonna call Fandl, COME ON!). Anyways I disagreed with everything on the report. They said it was the parents fault for not being able to handle their kids and be responsible. I think it is the school systems fault personally. Now a days schools are just too nice, and they have banned teasing and dodgeball. Those are the two ways you help keep kids away from obesidity. Think back to 5th grade; you never wanted to be made fun, but you loved making fun of kids. This fact alone kept you from eating everyone's McDonalds.

I have to agree with Teno on this one, dodge ball, kids with an instinctively harsh nature (I'm looking at you Diesel), and a mean, excessively over rated, long time women's high school basketball coach (who used to tell our players that they were fat) as a gym coach who made us run everyday during the summer in 95 degree weather all helped me with my childhood weight problem. Even though as it was only to resurface during my college years I blame that on a deterioration of the Fraternity pledge program and lack of said "women's basketball coach" type figures in our lives. As long as we have the vicious people in the world who are willing to tell people to "get a job" or "stop complaining that you cant get out of your bed to take a piss, just loose some weight you fucking fatass" we can stop listening to these "Dr." Phil type figures who say that its ok to be happy with who we are, ITS NOT OK!!! So loose some fucking weight.....fatass
Remember when Klein was fat? Me too.
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