Sunday, May 13, 2007

Thoughts on my Gradumacation

It was a wonderfully hot May night (80's) as I entered the Armory. I had recently had to run back across campus to get the four tickets that were left in my apartment and had already built up a nice sweat before putting on my gown, (which was probably my forth layer of clothes). The Armory was a pleasent 95 degrees with a massive crowd where I waited for the glorious ceremony for 45 baking minutes.

It was quite impersonal. Especially the fact that I walked in to have a number litterally put on my back and told to get in line. When they saw that we weren't single file a fat bitch yelled at us and said we were going to get the order screwed up and the wrong diplomas. Like we could honestly fuck this up. I know how to walk in numerical order when I have to. The ceremony I felt was pretty cheesy especially the singing of "America the Beautiful", the part in which I fell asleep. I was awake when they sang both the two Purdue songs and the Allumni dude said we were important/special to the university ($$$$????).

Oh well, I knew this was coming. I saw it four years ago when my sister graduated. I suppose I am just angry that after everything is supposedly all said and done I have to go back for another semester.

Any thoughts on the ceremony?

1 comment:

the sharpe said...

I really should have drank more. It was really nice though to see a bunch of people from previous classes who pretended like we were friends.