Well, I finally finished college and I am supposed to be entering into this "real world". So far it's been pretty cool. I moved back home, my mom makes me food, I kind of lay around and watch TV with my dog. It's not too bad, other than my dad always telling me I have to get like a job or something. I figure, if life is anything like the movies, which I think we all agree life is like a movie, something always happens right when stuff gets bad. And right now, stuff is pretty sweet. I mean, check out this sandwich my mom made. Pretty bad ass eh?

Also, I have been able to take some time and evaluate what is really important in life and been able to tackle hard questions like, "Do you think Tony Reale just sticks around after "Around the Horn" to be "Stat Boy" for "PTI" or do you think he pre tapes that shit? I mean, he's getting pretty big these days. I mean, like status wise, not like muscle wise, but i bet the dude has some sweet lats. You know, the kind you can just grab a hold to, or the ones that would ripple if you were cold in the rain ... and he held you all tight in his chest because ... you were scared and he would tell you that everything is going to be ok while resting his cheek on your head ... and you feel so safe because ... you feel like everything he's saying is real ... for the first time in your life? Or I mean, whatever.

Anyways, what I'm trying to say is, TV is sweet. I bet Mr. Vision (Tele is his first name, i looked it up on wikipedia, don't worry) is pretty rich off of his invention. I know I sure like it. So Mr. Vision, thank you, you have made my day. If i ever make it rich and big in the "real world" i shall send you some money... or have my mom send you a nice sandwich.
That sandwich has an unnecessary piece of bread in the middle.
Wrong, all the bread is unnecessary. Hard salami makes great bread for other softer meats such as turkey or ham. Cheese may also be used in a pinch but it is not your best option.
My hard salami makes yours look like softer meat...
My hard salami makes yours look like softer meat...
I was carb loading that day...
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