Thursday, April 12, 2007

A letter from the Team.


I am very excited to see that you have become a part of the blog. You are like the free agent that we keep trying to nail down, but can't seem to do it because your demands are just too high. You are a Yankee's player getting bid on by a Royals team. (By the way, Royals are 3-6, a fairly good .333, not .500 as our illustrious Chad commented earlier {ask him about it}). Anyways, Chad, you are that mysterious player that we have all heard about but can't wait to see perform. Perhaps you have the literary equivalent of the gyroball. In fact, you joining this team may be more ground breaking than Dice-K going to the Red Sox. Maybe we should call you Chad-K instead.

Oh no, now I may have jinxed you. For you now have such a great literary commitment to this blog, hopefully the blog analysts will be kind as you start your career and know that this is a different forum than you are used to and you may not be used to this style quite yet... but we know you will get it in the long run. They will call you the Anna Kournikova of blogs, all looks, no substance, but we know the truth, and when they get it, the truth is gonna sting. We didn't pay for those writing lessons, the personal massuese, the paid trips to and fro Zionsville for nothing, oh no, we know your potential, we know they will one day hang your keyboard high from the cieling with the likes of those such as your idol, Tucker Max, or maybe even perhaps with the creator of "The Game"... you know, that bald dude, that I still don't understand and/or believe he ever gets pussy.

Still, as this season gets underway Chad, I wish you the best of luck. May your keystroke be swift, your backspace be speedy, and your hunt and peck technique be noisy. This is our year, this is our team, and by now, I think we all know, this is our country. This is ourrrrrr country.



BAC said...

Does that mean that I'm not supposed to take pictures of everything he does...I have a lot of deleting to do...alot.

Also Chad's head appears to be MUCH larger than mine.

You probably should have photoshopped the right number onto that jersey, we didn't pay 54 million just to talk to Chad so that he could back out because we didn't research his previous playing days well enough.

Chadding Hard said...


the sharpe said...

His posts have been so funny thus far. Totally worth adding. Totally.