Friday, April 6, 2007

Citizens are not given prizes for being Citizens...

Because I am the purveyor of all things GOB, here is the link to watch the latest episode of 30 Rock which he guest starred on. Very Funny, I especially enjoyed when Thomas Jefferson proclaimed on Maury Povich that he "invented America."

Not too much happening on my end, I'm still jobless and last night I got drunk alone. I also did not turn the heater on so it was a brisk 40 degrees inside when I woke up. I also made bacon this morning, to go along with the toast and fruit snacks(calcium!). I also made 60 dollars because my neighbor felt bad that he had been pirating my wireless. I was actually nervous when going to the door because apparently my reaction to doorbells is that I have done something wrong.

I thought the Office was pretty sweet last night. Dwight totally pulled a "Bobby" on Roy, except substitute Jim for Sojo, and Roy for Random DU guy. Also Jim didn't manage to punch Dwight. So I guess not at all. But the internet really needs more mention of Sojo, so here it is.

[Update: I did find some mentions of Sojo, including this one where they spell his name SoJo. They don't give out his e-mail, but we could call him at least.]

I'm still waiting for an explanation of what 100% animals is supposed to mean...

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