Things that piss me off -- PT. II
Well, I think it is high time I write again on the things that piss me off...
St. Patrick's Day
I still to this day do not understand what the hell goes on on St. Patricks day and every Irish person I ask, "What the hell are you celebrating" they simply say, St. Patrick, or if they are just a college student they yarble out, "DRINKING!!!" and then stumble off. Don't get me wrong, holidays are great, and if you get to drink on them, more power to you, but I don't understand why the fuckin beer has to be green. I like my beer to be brown, not green. Remember green ketchup??? I know Chad does... but that's about it. No one liked green ketchup because it looked sick. Same with green beer. Plus, theres something about leprechauns that scare the shit out of me. It's like a bunch of red headed Verne Troyers with their little hands and weird accents... creepy.

Walk signs that talk
When I push a button to cross a street I know what is going to happen. I don't need that computer voice guy telling me the final countdown of when I get to cross. I don't like to be mocked by an aluminum pole saying, "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, WALK SIGN IS ON, WALK SIGN IS ON" I know when the walk sign is on. The picture of the guy walking across the street that just lit up is a good indicator. I don't tell a stop sign when cars are approaching.

Construction workers that get paid to hold stop signs
What the fuck is the use of that? You must feel pretty confident in your skills when you realize that a pot of dirt can replace you, literally. Why pay someone to hold a sign. They are almost as annoying as those people that stand on the side of the road holding up a piece of plywood with 10 of the same flyer attached to it wearing a chicken costume trying to get you to go into the blowout sale at the Halloween store in the middle of June. Dammit!

I can't even go on, that last one just made me too mad. I better go to class anyways. Although, I probably have to walk past one of those overly helpful crosswalk signs. WALK SIGN IS ON, WALK SIGN IS ON, WALK SIGN IS ON...
Did anyone else call it a walk sign before the silly automated voices? I now have to get worried whether or not the walk signs are off and I will be struck by a car. (anyone who follows with a Dane Cook joke will be stabbed in the jaw...damnit)
Well, I hate to be a party pooper, but I think blind people would have to disagree with your assessment of talking signs.
They are also paid to smoke manly that's like 2 things.
Although, really, should blind people be allowed to walk? They are dangerous and could run into almost anyone...that's why they should at least drive so pedestrians are safe.
Maybe you can give me something clever to say when I walk past one of these construction guys once a week. There is a apt complex being built across the street and they sometimes have one of these guys out there. I would like to have something thoughtfully arrogant and condesending prepared.
It isn't like you can say something to them when they are working because they aren't ever working. I remember when the new CS building was going up and they would just sit on the roof and check out how ugly Purdue's girls are.
Why do you think they were on the roof...distance goggles.
Good call. Also, St. Patrick's Day started in 1984 to celebrate my coming birth (I was up for sainthood in the womb). I am SO cool. So saintly cool.
PS Ironically, I absolutely hate the Saints keke
Don't call me keke, you know I hate that...ok that's enough OC humor for the month.
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