Fundamental Engineering
I like religious philosophy, sorry Adam. I find that I can manipulate it into me being a good (decent) person and this makes me extremely aroused and pleased with myself (difference?). I also get to hear incredible comments from the religites which have the chance to absolutely slay me at least once a class. Normally I just chuckle and go back to ranking the girls in class in order of how much I want to give them a religious experience but today I almost died via comment (not to rise again).
We were discussing (bashing) the scientific revolution and how it doesn't exactly "fit" with the medieval church when Newton came up. I thought gravity was just one of those things everyone accepted, kinda like how everyone knows I've got the fast fingers this side of the Mississippi (yes I did the spelling song in my head-eat me). Not true on idea one. The teacher asked the class if we thought a pencil would hit the ground if she dropped it. Everyone nods which she takes as disagrement so she went ahead and dropped the pencil. To my utter shock the poor thing hits the ground and she says that it was obviously gravity which forced the pencil to hit the ground. Boom. A hand goes up followed quickly by my interest in the conversation. A young religite is called upon and drops this jew, "it ACTUALLY hit because God allowed it to hit" (spelled with a capital G because this is the one I believe in).
I'm stunned. I wait for him to laugh with him showing me nothing. I force my head to scan the room only to see that half of the class is sharing my oral love ready open mouth. I let out a 5/10 chuckle but stop when I realize he had a Purdue Engineering shirt on.* This scares me. I want my engineers to believe in gravity. This idea seems to be important when they are building bridges, designing roller coasters, or train conducting (aka the only three cool jobs they can get). We later joke about elves in trees actually being the cause of wind and some strange joke about 4 year-old children working and getting their arms ripped off but I'd already logged off for the day. I can only hope God allows this to post.
*it was one of those retarded "Top 10 Reasons I'm an Engineer" shirts which always start with 1.) I refuse to have friends/fun and end with me having already lost focus
Well, Hopefully enough agnostic engineers band together to create the anti-gravity machine I've been hoping they were going to put in the Louis Armstrong building.
By the way, Couldn't god just have created gravity? Wouldn't that be alot less work than hitting the "Pencil is let go and wants to fall...Allow?" button on his typewriter?
Shut up, engineer.
(this is the sole reason that I blogged about something that was only semi-funny)
I have no excuses for any of my other unfunny blogs.
Well, it's not like our THOUSANDS of readers are complaining.
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