A Whole New World...
So yesterday, I go to my Political Science class on global implications in world politics, which is usually taught by Professor Beres who's statement on the first day of class was, "My hope is that we get hit by a nuclear bomb at some point during this semester so what I will teach you will seem relevant." He's a cheery guy. Yet, to my surprise we had a guest lecturer. However, this was no ordinary lecturer, this was Professor Mike Weinstein of the Purdue Political Science dept. Let me give you a little back ground on Mike.
Mike is 65 years old. Mike was an undergrad at New York University where he then went on to get his masters and PhD. He has taught many courses on political ideologies, political philosophies, and philosophy in general. And he bears a striking resemblance to the theif that Jafar dresses up as in Aladdin. Remember? Take a look...

Here are some of his more memorable quotes that I managed to write down:
"Hope is what destroys a life"
"Fighting out of fear is dangerous, fighting for hope is more so."
"Leech every bit of pleasure you can"
and my personal favorite...
"Tell your fucking self who you are... Consult your own interests."
Well, this is awfully odd for an old Professor at a major university right? But wait, there's more. He is also the lead singer and lyricist for the punk band from Chicago, Vortis. So yea, thats different. But what is even more interesting is that they claim to be the only "Pro-Osama Bin Laden group in the U.S." and he labels himself as an anarchist that specializes in Agitainment. I know, a lot to swallow. He explains his pro-osama stance as some thing about accepting everyone, but the paragraph contained multiple sentences brought together to create paragraphs and there wasn't a picture in sight, so i got bored.
So suffice it to say, it was an interesting class. Better than my normal class with Dr. Doomsday as I like to call him. I wonder what ever happened to teachers like this...
1 comment:
Agitainment is an awesome word! Clearly he feels that any strong government is backed by a stronger religion, like I do. You'll have that though.
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