Snow Day... Part Deux
Well, I meant to post yesterday about how neat it was to have a snow day in college, but somehow our friend alcohol popped in and ruined that idea for me. I believe the night ended in Chad and I taking the longest way home possible in the snow from the bars, with sideways snow blowing and me saying, "I saw Titanic, I don't want to die cold" over and over again.

However, I think I might pull the, I-was-blacked-out card and claim Chad was saying that. Yeah, that's it. He was a wuss. I instead just pulled my jacket off, gave it to him and reminded him, "We're in the rockies!" as I ran through the snow with my bloody (i dont know how) wife beater on like McClain in Die Hard and rescued trapped orphans under a car.

Then picked up the lifeless Chad and threw him over my shoulder and walked until our stupid TanTan gave out, at which point I took Chad's lightsaber and cut the TanTan open and spread the entrails over Chad to keep him warm.

Then I just waited until this morning for Pat to come pick us up in his snowspeeder... atleast thats what I think happened.
Drunk Jesus says that's the only way you could have possibly made it it must be true.
I'm sorry you had to wait until morning but the damn ion cannon was on the fritz again. Cool move getting an ion cannon by the way when we all know how a regular laser would have been so much cooler. Disabling ships is for fags.
(this goes down as not being a complete loser comment because I got all my info from MS-DOS Tie Fighter)
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