Monday, February 5, 2007


I can't believe that comeback...

For Some Reason I saw this Picture and Couldn't Resist. It gives me an excuse to make a Pat Squirting Tag which will surely be used again.

Sorry Pat, but since you blacked out during the SUPER BOWL; It's only fair that we get to poke a little fun, you hotshot you. Thanks for the juice.


the sharpe said...

We were done from the start since Dungy traded Sata his Son for a Super Bowl.

PS I spit in your juice.

the sharpe said...

Sata is short for Satan

BAC said...

I thought it was Santa spelled wrong...yours makes more sense

the sharpe said...

Santa only trades for daughters.

BAC said...

Well, if I start now I can get a PS3 for christmas next year! And no blogger, I won't capitalize christmas just to make your red line go away!