Monday, January 22, 2007

Well I'm Glad That's over

Well, now that the Super Bowl is over, we're going to have to find some new things to write about. In no particular order here are my suggestions (bulleted, so it's not so listy)

  • Each person picks out one stranger a week to make fun of, it's fun, and they'll never know!
  • We all take up Samba and describe our experiences.
  • I could brief some cases for you, it will help me learn them and expand your legal knowledge!
  • You guys could regale me with stories of idiotic things people have said recently around the house. I'm always itching for a way to lower my IQ.
  • I could describe to you the smells I was making in the car this morning, but I think I can only describe it by using the made up illness I had, RBS (rotten bowel syndrome).
  • We could all take off our pants and...what's that?...oh you mean there's another game?...oh since it was the Patriots I just assumed that was the Super bad...I guess there's another game in 2 weeks. Never mind, we don't have to think that hard about ideas until then.

1 comment:

BAC said...

PS, if I didn't have to go to gay law school I would totally turn the game into...wait for it...Stupor Bowl!!!!