hey horses, fuck you
When did horses become something that was news worthy? Cool, someone ejected an animal with alcohol. This sounds like something I can get behind. Drunk people are always a riot and there are zero consequences that I can think of. Did it do some funny on accident? Did it not leech of its owners more than I do with my parents? Oh, it just stopped being a bitch before it raced (the one thing that is asked of it before it spends the rest of it's time having sex)? Wow, horses suck.
Hey horses, good luck out there despite my feelings, break a leg. What? You have a good chance of dying if you break a leg? Good thing you only have four. I am one of the world's most fragile people and I've broken a leg.* I am not writing this from the grave. Wow, horses suck.
Hey kids lets take a trip down to the petting zoo. Look there is a goat, sure Kimmy, pet that little bastard. Why are there no horses? Sorry Timmy, a horse would bite off your damn hand or kick you in the face. Just be happy with those smelly pellets coming out of the machine that should be filled with delicious runts. I agree Jimmy, horses suck.

A few things. One, I love runts, but why are the bananas like trying to crack open a rock? Two, Now I can't show this off to my parents, because my sister rides horses. Three, I just realized you guys are all probably going to go get drunk on this fine Tuesday night. I fucking hate you guys. Seriously, lick my glorious taint. Four, If you guys go the whole year without ever coming down here to visit, We won't be friends anymore. That is all.
We did not get drunk on Tuesday but instead will be getting drunk tonight. The world could so lucky as to get a post by me wasted. It will probably actually make more sense than my usual crap. Also, I've got something you can show off to your mom. *wink*
The gist of the matter is the same. 3 and 4 still stand. Jerks.
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