University of Phoenix letter of Recommendation
I didn't think it was even appropriate to have "funny" in the title.
Performed by
The Griz
10:06 AM
Lame Additions
This blog was pretty much started so that we could talk about TV shows. Lets get that back cracking.
Performed by
the sharpe
6:30 PM
Lame Additions
Do you think it's time we just sent this badboy into internet oblivion?
Anyways, I've got like 10 minute until class and i'm bored as shit so I thought I would type words on the screen and then save them onto the internet so that some time in the future I can be running for mayor or something and someone will bring up a screenshot of this blog and say something like, "what was it like to be so lame in 2008?" And then of course I would say something like, "what do you mean good sir?"* And they would show our site and everyone would gasp and throw cabbage or something at me and I would cry and cry and cry.
So what about Heroes huh, who the fuck is writing these stories? Why on earth is every other scene a dream sequence of something that may or may not be happening in the future? And seriously, why are they not superpower fighting for at least 25% of every show? And now they are all related but were test-tube babies? Except for the fact that one guy is like a billion years old but they put him in a coffin for a nap? If they don't buy Peter some acting classes I am going to start watching the Mentalist.
Dexter season opener was kind of disappointing as well. Can't things go right and he gets to kill people with no problems for at least a little while? It's like they are trying to tell us that vigilante justice is NOT the way to go, when we all know that it is.
Anyways, in summation, "Your Dick"
Thank you
*Or more likely, "At least I have a penis." if it's a guy, or "You have a penis." if it's a girl.
Performed by
2:03 PM
Lame Additions
Labels: not gay sex, one-sided conversations